No Students Left Behind

About us


I am a senior at Freedom High School and I spent 7 weeks of my summer learning computer science at the Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program in Miami, FL. I love traveling and spending my free time volunteering, reading, hanging out with my friends and family, and watching movies and TV shows on Netflix. My junior year of high school was the most stressful year of my life, and lots of students can say the same. That is why we were so excited to dedicate the last two weeks of the program to make this website. I would've never had the opportunity to be a part of Girls Who Code if I hadn't been on Instagram one day and saw their sponsored ad. It got me thinking of all the other students who miss out on wonderful opportunities simply because they weren't aware of them. One of the many great things this website offers is a list of internships and scholarships you can apply to so you don't miss out on something that may appeal to you. You have the power to create your own future, so I believe it's important to make the most of your high school years pursuing something you're really passionate about while focusing on your studies as well. Strive to be the best you can be, but know your limits.


I'm going to School for Advanced Studies, a high school with a rigorous dual enrollment program, and hopefully I will graduate highschool with my AA degree along with my high school diploma. I went to Girls Who Code along with my colleagues, and to be completely honest I was never interested in Computer Science, I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life, I had heard about GWC and decided to give it a try. I think that's something so important for students, we're told to figure out what we wanna do for the rest of our lives after four years of having to ask to go to the bathroom, students should always experiment, expand your horizons. Try everything, because you might just fall in love with what you try. Maybe you're lucky and know what you wanna do, and maybe you've always known. But you never know what you REALLY love until you try it... for years I wanted to be a Surgeon, I was always fascinated with the human body, then I went to my first med class in Miami Dade College and I realized it just wasn't for me. If there's one thing I learned at my summer with GWC, it's that it's never too late to start over, I did.


I'm a senior at School for Advanced Studies. The summer before my senior year I spent 7 weeks of my summer learning computer science at the Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program. In this program not only did I learned how to code I also learned that I was lucky. I was lucky because I got the chance to participate in this program, but it also made me realized that there are many girls that wished they had this opportunity. This realization led to us creating this website. A website where, as high school students, we can go and find internships, scholarships, tips and help. A website with all the resources available for you, whether you need scholarships or internships we got you covered. As a senior in high school, I know the struggle. However, I was lucky, because my school gave me a lot of resources, but I know that most schools don't and if you are a senior or junior and you think it's too late to do anything about it, you're wrong, it's never too late. I came to this country 4 years ago without any English background, and trust me it's not too late. You can do amazing things if you really want to. I can't force you to apply to internships and do amazing things, I can just tell you that the resources are here, you just have to search for them.


I'm from Haiti and attend Miami Sunset Senior High School and this upcoming school year will be my third and final year there. When I first arrived in the US I had to spend my first year of high school being homeschooled. It really didn't suit me so I hard a hard time. Back then I didn't really have anyone to tell what I needed to do to ensure that I graduate on time. I didn't start figuring things out until the end of my sophomore year and the beginning of my junior year. I pick up a couple of hobbies before I started high school and I did my best to hone my skills. By the end of my sophomore year, I could play the guitar pretty well and I could with much more ease. I also started taking an MMA(Mixed-Martial Art) class. I would like to encourage students to find a hobby. It will help soothe your nerves when school starts to stress you out. I'm really happy I joined the program this summer. I learned a lot and I know I can be certain that I didn't waste my time. I hope our website can be of help to students. It would really make me happy.


I'm 17 years old and a senior at Miramar high school. I'm mixed with Cuban and Behamian,My favorite color is pink. I'm also a Cheerleader and Dancer. My dream college is Florida State University, I would like to be a Computer Programmer and a Massage Therapist. During the summer I spent seven weeks at a coding program called Girls Who Code. When I first started this program I never knew coding could be a actual career, let alone a fun one! There was times where i honestly wanted to give up because I was so frustrated.Then, one week we did websites and I fell in love. I realized that coding just may be the right career choice for me! During this program I learned to never give up on myself. To all underclassmen I would just like to say start getting your community service hours now & just never give up on yourself, follow your dreams!